I’ve heard of SEO and I know I need it, loads of it! I have absolutely no idea what it is. –
We hear this a lot. The term is jargon so no wonder so many people don’t understand it, but it is important.
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimisation”. Or – in English – make your website easy for search enginesSearch engines are websites that enable us to search for other websites. Like Google or Bing. to find, read and understand.
I don’t care about search engines –
If your website is only a place you send people to see more information about you and not a tool for finding new clients/customers, then you don’t need to worry about SEO.
However, imagine you build the nicest hotel with beautiful luxury rooms, a spa, a gym, and a Michelin-star restaurant. If it’s built in the woods with no paths or signs leading to it, no-one will ever find it. And no matter how many times or how much money you spend redecorating, it’s still hidden. Advertise in magazines, tv, and radio yes – and you should do that too if it’s right for your business – but telling search engines about your website – what you “sell” and who you are – is free and how most people find what they are looking for online.
So what’s the actual SEO bit? –
We need to tell search engines how to find your site. We use special toolsGoogle Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools for example, or by adding links to your site from other sites that the search engines already know about. The first one is much quicker.
When they do visit your site to add it to their search engine results, it’s not a human that’s visiting but something called a spiderA spider is a software program that follows links on webpages and collects valid information.
Spiders don’t see your site the way we see it. They mostly see the code behind the site – the ugly gobbledygook – similar to the picture shown here.
SEO is about making sure that the gobbledygook is clear and contains all the relevant information those spiders are looking for so that the search engines can get your site in front of the right people.
There is a lot more to SEO. If interested, please read more here.