media & copyright.

I have my own photos and videos –

Fantastic! Not only do you own photos and videos make copyright a non-issue, they are also most likely to represent you better than any other images. It is important that your images are good enough quality to use at the right size on your website.

Do you have any photos we can use? –

Yes absolutely. We are keen photographers ourselves and offer our images freely to be used on projects. If you would like to give us an attribution we would love that too. Our photos can be found on our Unsplash page.

Your pictures aren’t what I need –

No problem at all we quite understand. Many photographers share their work for free and we can recommend Unsplash as a great source of images. We do say that it’s important to properly credit the photos as photographers are offering their work for free.

And fonts?  –

There are so many fonts/typefaces available to download and use on your website. Many are free to use and are defined as open sourcesource code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified..  All of Google’s fonts are open source at the time of writing.

Photo example - Jammin Web Design

Photo by Ben Wrigley on Unsplash

Learn from our mistake …

There are many websites that offer free images/photos and videos, and it is always important to check the terms of licensing. If attribution is required, then make sure it meets the terms of the license.

In recent times a new breed of business searches for images without correct attribution and slaps fines on those who have made mistakes.

Despite this going against the principles of license creators like Creative Commons, this has become a profitable business for some companies.

We hold our hands up and say we were caught by this ourselves. In the process of developing a website (on a development server) we used an image to see if our client liked it. We decided not to use it in the end, but for those few days, it was on the site and did not have the correct attribution. We paid the fine ourselves as this was our mistake.

An example ‘case’ can be seen here and the offending webpage here.