map & directions.

Maps and directions are an important part of any site offering a service or shop at a particular location. Customers like to know where you are and how to get to you. And the search engines love it for SEO so they can show your site to people searching in your area. Equally, it’s important to know that you absolutely don’t need a map if you don’t want one! We have a map even though we’re online, mainly for SEO purposes.

Where do you get the map and directions from? –

We’ll embed a Google map on your website, usually on the same page as your contact form. If you prefer to use a different map service then let us know and we’ll find a way to include it. Some map providers charge for their maps based on visitors and you will need to create an account with them first.

A map is ok but people often ask for directions. – You can link your map – or have a link on your page – that takes visitors straight to Google maps so they can navigate to you from their current location.

Customers using a mobile phone with the Google maps app will automatically be taken to directions. So we recommend that you offer your mobile users a prominent ‘Get Directions button.

It’s definitely easier than “…so when you get to the parked red car (sometimes it’s a blue Micra though), not the next left, but take the one after. If you get to the petrol station you’ve gone too far.”

Jammin Web Design - Map example

an example of a blog post from one of our customers’ web site.

I’m purely online. I don’t want people to have directions to where I live! – Then you don’t need a map and don’t let anyone (especially pesky web developers) tell you that you do! Also you can display a map that doesn’t have a pin but just shows the area.